Extensive Online Documentation
What's online documentation? How could it allow you to get more familiar with the concept of hosting?
Regardless of the fact that the hosting service provided by the different companies seems the same, each provider has got a customized platform with its own modifications and different ways to perform given tasks. This is why, an information-rich knowledge base would be amazingly helpful both for people with no past experience and for technically accomplished individuals who will ultimately find out how given operations are performed, but will lose precious time in the meantime. The aim of such a knowledge base is to make the service fast and easy to use, sparing users plenty of time and efforts. The end result is happier customers, as they can swiftly find the info they want, and a lot less work for the support engineers, because typically the majority of the enquiries and difficulties that clients have are already described in the knowledge base. In case the articles themselves are written well and cover more things, you’ll be able to find out more not only about your own account, but also about the hosting service as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
If you’ve purchased your first
shared hosting account through our company or have migrated your website over to us, you will grow familiar with our platform and our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel before you know it as we have prepared an exhaustive web-based knowledge base where you can find all the information that you’ll ever need – both general info with regards to the web hosting service as a whole and more concrete info about the separate functions that you can use and the difficulties that you may come across. The articles themselves are located in two places. The complete article archive is accessible via the Control Panel’s Help section. You can read relevant articles about the different features in each and every Control Panel section too. You can get to know how to accomplish just about everything, from enabling an .htaccess config file to administering a mailing list, and all the articles include in-depth guidelines, so you will never become disorientated because of an ambiguous text. Certainly, if you stumble upon a more specific problem and you cannot find a solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our technical support engineers 24-7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Linux semi-dedicated hosting feature extensive online help documentation where you will see information on all the features that our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with, together with solutions to various questions and issues that you could confront. All configuration manuals include elaborate descriptions, which is the reason why you won’t need to worry about skipping something in case you intend to export a database, for instance. The troubleshooting articles include a range of feasible reasons for particular problems and the solution for each one of them, so if you’re not able to send emails even though you have the right settings, for example, you can quickly see what the reason could be and repair the problem with a couple of clicks in your mail client. As Hepsia offers quite a few features, you will be able to find related articles in every section. In case you wish to examine all help articles, click on the Help link, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen.