The well–rounded online analytics statistics inside your Site Control Panel can help you keep track of virtually all actions on your website. You’ll get real–time info on the load produced in your hosting account along with the site traffic they receive on a per–hour, per–week and per–month basis. You’ll also find detailed information about our system as a whole such as the physical IP address, the OS, the versions of PHP and MySQL and many others. All the details is grouped in sections as a way for you to easily locate it.

Server Information and Facts

Look at information about your web server

If you want to check out what exactly is the present syndication of PHP or MySQL as well as the Operating System on the web server where your cloud hosting account is situated, go to the Server Information and facts section of the Site Control Panel. There you can also get information about the set–up Perl modules, the incoming and outgoing mailing servers, plus the physical IP address your web hosting server.

You will find the server info table inside the Statistics part of the klikDCI ( Site Control Panel.

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Access & Error Logs

Learn how people communicate with your site

In the Access & Error Logs area of the klikDCI ( Site Control Panel, you can switch on and keep an eye on the access and error listing for your websites located within your Linux shared hosting services account. The access log is a list of all the files submitted on your site (such as text files, image files, video files, and so forth) that individuals have requested to view.

The error log is a collection of all caution and error messages linked to your website. It will help you prevent any eventual issues with the web site’s functionality.

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Web Traffic Stats

Check out the traffic to your website in great detail

Through the web stats tools incorporated into the klikDCI ( Site Control Panel, it’s possible to keep an eye on the customers on your web site in the finest detail. You may choose between a couple of common statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which give you in–depth information about the visitors to your web site plus the articles they view on a daily, weekly and monthly base.

There is no need to configure anything at all upfront to get traffic reports for your websites. In the Website Traffic Stats part of the Site Control Panel, just simply open the stats file for any particular site and get hold of the data you need for your marketing practices.

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CPU Stats

Keep track of your web sites’ CPU load

The hosting server’s CPU is important for the communication and interaction between your web site and its website visitors. The more complex and resource–consuming your web sites are, the more host resources and CPU time will be required. Through the CPU statistics part, it will be easy to view which website is utilizing the largest amount of CPU assets.

You should undertake measures to improve your sites in case the CPU usage limit has been reached. You can view detailed stats for each day and month and for a full year.

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